Introducing the iTero Scanner

We are excited to introduce the iTero Scanner!
Posted on 11/05/2019

ITero 1We are excited to introduce the iTero Scanner!

What is the iTero Scanner? The iTero Scanner is a state-of-the-art digital impression system that captures images of the teeth and gums creating a 3D model of your teeth. This model can be used to start your Invisalign treatment, study your bite, and fabricate a variety of orthodontic appliances.

How is the iTero Scanner used? Patients rest comfortably in a chair while a wand is waved gently over the teeth and gums. The scan takes just minutes to capture the detail needed to create a 3D model of your teeth.


iTero 2What are the benefits of using the iTero Scanner?

  • It’s the most popular and accurate way to obtain the necessary records for Invisalign Treatment.
  • The process is efficient, precise, and comfortable.
  • Scans of your teeth are sent directly to the lab minutes after your scan is completed, reducing the turnaround time to receive your Invisalign Aligners or orthodontic appliances.
  • The iTero Scanner can shorten your appointment time and even reduce the number of appointments needed during treatment.

We are excited to provide our patients with this modern technology!